My Baby Sister Kelly! |

Santa Visit 2004 |

I wanted to make a site for all my family and friends who've been saying prayers for me to come and see how well I'm
doing and all that I've accomplished in my 10 years! You'd never know that I have Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome if
it were'nt for my zipper! And for all you parents and/or parents to be of a HLHS child, anything is possible, anything can
I'll start with how my journey began and go thru the stages I've been thru up to date. Please sign my guestbook
with any comments or reactions you have to my site. I'd love to hear from you!

November 2008- my how time is flying by. My precious Kacy turned 10 on Nov.13! of course she'll tell you she's a pre-teen
now. Kacy is doing very well. She is happy, healthy and heartwise she is doing well. She is still on enalapril and aspirin
and still receives pt and ot at school. She is pretty smart and enjoys life to the fullest. Her new favorite things to do
are talk on the phone and go shopping, and yes fight with her younger sister. Though they have times they are the best of
friends there are those times that according to her she just needs her privacy(I said she was how old?). To say Kacy leads
a totally normal life is an understatement. So any parents starting out on this journey, its tough, its a roller coaster ride...but
it is so worth every second. We don't know what the future holds but nobody does....so you live and love. God Bless.
Whenever I make an update to my web site,I'll let you know here.
