At the Hospital
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Kelly's Woods

The big moment arrives...

It was a Saturday morning and I thought I had felt amniotic fluid slowly leaking so I called my doctor who told me to go to the hospital and have it checked. So we all headed out with the bags in tow, just in case, and when we arrived they hooked me up, checked me in and tested the fluid. It came back negative for amniotic fluid so we went on home. All day I had felt fine except for a dull backache. It was the night before a huge snowstorm was about to arrive. I had just given Kacy her bath and we were reading books in her bed. The ache then started moving towards the front. After books Kacy fell asleep. I went to go in my room and felt like I had to go potty pretty bad. I tried but only a little came out. Then I laid down and felt like I had to go again. This time I went and my water had broke. The contractions came fast and furious and there was no timing them like they say in the books. So I called the doctor, who could tell the pain in my voice,called my parents and woke up Joe and Kacy and we headed on our way, again, to the hospital. It was a long 15 minute painful ride to the hospital and Joe thought he was being funny but I thought otherwise. When we arrived at the hospital they asked if I wanted a wheelchair but it felt better to stand. They called up to labor and delivery to send someone down to get me. In the meantime I felt like I had to go again, so I went to the bathroom, but was in too much pain to do anything. When I got out the nurse was there to wheel me up and Kacy and Joe followed. As soon as they hooked me up to the monitors I started pleading for pain medication but they said they had to hook me up. When they checked me they said"Sorry, you can't have anything, you are already 10 centimeters and the baby is right there. So they called the doctor to come to the hospital, who is about the same 15 minutes away as we were. I never said I wanted a natural birth!  

Kelly in the Belly!


Here's Kelly a few minutes old!

Birth Details- A few minutes later my mom and dad had arrived to take Kacy to their house and were happy to leave quickly because they saw how much pain I was in! Joe went down to the cars with them to put Kacy's car seat in theirs and give them her bags. It was during that time that the doctor had arrived. He checked me out and said I was ready to push. I told him I wasn't waiting for Joe and I was pushing, I couldn't stand the pain any longer. After 3 contractions and about 9 pushes, Kelly arrived into this world! They laid her on my belly and at that moment Joe walked back into the room and couldn't believe his eyes that she was already here!. He did get to cut the umbilical cord and watched them clean her up and assess her. She arrived at 11:45pm because I looked at the clock the moment she came into this world, and wow was she beautiful! So my whole labor and birth took less then two hours, you couldn't ask for better. Except I would have preferred the epidural!

Delivered by: Dr James Kolter
L&D Nurse: Theresa



Joe stayed a little longer then headed home to get some rest.Kelly went to the nusery for awhile so mommy could get some rest and the nurses could keep an eye on her.  The next morning the snow had started and was quickly showing signs of piling up. Joe picked up Kacy, my mom and his mom and came to the hospital. Kelly was back in my room and was a very sleepy baby. My sister and her family visited as well,bringing gifts and taking pictures.Then they all left because the snow was starting to get deep. Kelly and I were left to get to know eachother one on one. All day that Sunday it snowed, and snowed and snowed, 2 feet at least, into that Monday. And Kelly and I were stranded at the hospital! The hospital wanted to discharge us, but nobody could get out of their driveways and streets to get us. The hospital then treated us like stowaways but let us spend another night, but with no food or medication for me! Kelly was just content sleeping, though we were trying to get the nursing thing down. And me, I was a mess at first but then it quickly passed and I was just plain mad. But I had a beautiful new daughter and I enjoyed our time together, without distractions, immensely. It wasn't until that Tuesday around noon that my dad and Joe both dug themselves out and came to rescue me, while my mom and Kacy waited at my house for our arrival home.It was an experience to say the least.