Kacy was transported to AI duPont Hospital for Children, less then 5 hours after she was born. I gave my kisses goodbye,
and daddy followed behind. Were we making the right decision? Faith, Hope and Love. That is what it would take. I will let
you read more details of Kacy's stages along the way under her website if you are interested. Her site is https://momtokacy.tripod.com/kacyskorner/
Kacy had her ups and downs along the way, the rollercoaster ride, as many heart parents refer to it as. But all in all
she did wonderful with the surgeries. We believe we made the right choice, at that time, for our daughter. With the skilled
hands of her surgeon, Dr Norwood, the care and monitoring from her cardiologist, Dr Bhat, as well as the attention from all
the other doctors and nurses, Kacy is alive and well today. And happy...she is one of the happiest, outgoing spirited children
I know. God has a plan for her I believe. God made this all possible.